Defeated Foes!

“Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬).

The word ‘principalities’ conveys dignity; and ‘powers’ conveys authority. ‘Principalities and Powers’ as presented in the Bible are fallen angels, ruled and commanded by Satan the ‘prince of the power of the air’.

Goliath was a principality, Herod was a principality, Pharaoh a principality so also are the Prince of Persia, Sennacherib and a host of others like them. But God demonstrated His sovereignty over them, and they became history.

In our present world, there are likes of these biblical principalities and powers whose intent as assigned them is to wreak havoc on people. But thanks be to God for Jesus who is the ‘head of all principalities and powers’, who is superior in power and might by which He disarmed them and put them to public spectacles permanently. Hallelujah!

Standing upon Jesus Christ the solid Rock, the commander of the hosts of heaven, I declare by the decree of heaven that, today marks the end of the activities of principalities and powers tormenting and causing havoc in your life. As Moses declared at the Red, so do I declare by the power in the name of Jesus that an end has come to the activities of principalities and powers in your life; henceforth you will experience them no more in the name of Jesus.

Jesus is Lord! God bless you. SHALOM.

JOS Oasis.